Nerst HH Series High Tembiricha Jet Oxygen Probe
Shanduro yekushandisa
Iyo Nerst HH Series High Tembiricha Jetoxygenis used to directly measure the oxygen content in various metallurgical heating furnaces, stepping heating furnaces, energy storage heating furnaces, stainless steel bright annealing furnaces and ceramic tunnel sintering furnaces. Iyo Inoshanda FLUE GES Tembiricha iri muhuwandu hwe1
oxygeninogamuchira tekinoroji yazvino, muguruva repamusoro, nzvimbo dzakakwirira dzekushambadzira, inogona kuiswa zvakananga muyero yekuyera yekuyera yebasa-30.The probe ine nekukurumidza kupindura kwekukurumidza, uye nguva yekupindura iri pasi pegumi migallis.
•Shell zvinhu: Yakanyanya kupisa Alloy Simbi
•Chikumbiro Flue Gaka tembiricha
•Kudzora tembiricha
•Thermocouple: Nyora k
•Kudziya nguva
•: Iyo probe inouya ne1.5 "BSP kana NPT tambo. Mushandisi anogona kugadzirisa iyo yekufananidza yechiso chemadziro madziro zvichienderana neye yakabatanidzwa dhirowa mune rairo yekuraira.
• : Iyo gasi pombi mune iyo imagezer inopa anenge 50 ml / min. Use the gas for the instrument and supply the gas through the pressure reducing valve and float flow meter provided by the user. The manufacturer provides the PVC connecting pipe from the float flowmeter to the sensor and the connector at the sensor end with the transmitter.
•Gasi kubatana pombi.
•Tarisa gasi yekubatanidza
•Zirconium Battery Hupenyu
•: isingasviki mana masekondi
• Filter: Stainless Simbi Inodikanwa Type. Filter outer diameter ¢42 (mm)
•Probe Junction bhokisi tembiricha: <130 ° C
• Uremu: 1.5kg uye 0.55kg / 100mm kureba.
Standard Model | Kuputika-Chiratidzo Model | Kureba |
Hh0500 | Hh0500 (ex) | 500mm |
HH1000 | HH1000 (EX) |